Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Spring Cleaning, New Residents, and Planting Stock

Whew!  After a stunning weekend here in South Jersey, we've had a ton of wind and rain - and a visit from the Snow Fairy?!  Sure, it was just a tiny little bit.  Still, a little advice, Weather: go home, you're drunk!

The replacement to my Hypnotize rose arrived in lovely form (Thanks, Jackson & Perkins!) and is planted in the very same pot.  I hope it does as well as the first one did, and has a better winter!

Baby Hypnotize Rose!

My husband, Gene, and I spent a big chunk of the weekend out in the backyard.  I am proud to report that mine is no longer the messiest backyard in the neighborhood!  Woot!  We finally tackled a task that's been on my to-do list for more years than I care to admit: we cleaned out the shed.  It's not even a big shed.  More of a glorified closet, really.  Piled full of stuff up to your waist.  

Yeah, I know.

A beautiful Saturday morning, and a slight overdose of caffeine, got us out there.  We went hard.  We took everything out, threw away five bags of outdated and broken stuff, and reorganized what we kept.  

three bags of fertilizer I forgot I had
my bocce ball set
two cans of wasp killer
a beach shovel from 2009
my bulb hole digging tool
one pair of pink swim goggles
three swim rings
the bike pump

. . .and a partridge in a pear tree!

This gave us the chance to put away a whole bunch of things that were lying around the yard.  Now it's nice in there.  Organized.  I can barely believe it's mine!

But wait, there's more!

We also got out to the hardware store and got fresh mulch and some sweet stock.  I love stock - it smells awesome!  Stock is a great plant to use as a companion flower for roses.  It's attractive, long-blooming, likes a lot of water, and doesn't compete for food with your rosebushes.  You can get it in pink, white, and purple. We also invested in a nice shepherd's hook for my new bird feeder! 

Sweet Stock is a great companion plant for roses.

And why, you may ask, did I get a bird feeder?

We have birds!  A mated pair of black-capped chickadees have finally moved into my birdhouse!  I am dorkishly excited, and have dubbed them Chuckles and Marge.  Chickadees are awesome - not only are they adorable, they're smart.  They can remember where they've stored snacks, and how yummy those snacks are, for up to 1000 places!  When the snack is gone, so is the memory of it, and new stashes of seed are remembered instead.  Pretty neat!  Happily, chickadees tend to remain once they've nested, and they eat bugs!  Oh yeah, free pest control!

Chuckles chilling on a windy day

Marge with a snack

The bird feeder is also bringing me visits from other avian couples in the neighborhood - cardinals, robins, and grackles.  I am very much enjoying the additional aerial traffic.

Last but not least, we also hung up a wind chime my honey got me for Christmas.  It adds a wonderful layer of auditory happiness to the visual and olfactory happiness.  I absolutely love the sound.  It's like fairies laughing.

What are you doing in your garden?

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Hooray, the warmer weather is finally here!  Anyone who knows me knows that can only be about my garden, because I'm a winter girl; if not for my roses and swimming, summer would have few redeeming qualities for me.  

Still, right now I'm starting to see lots of new growth out there, so bully for that!

I pruned back Knockout quite a lot.  Dang thing had gotten HUGE (as well it should, really) and was in need of a good trim.  I can actually see some of the rest of the garden!  There are a few patches of bulbs that have kicked in, and I've got daffodils nodding their happy little heads.  I planted a patch of pink-and-white Salome daffodils a few years back, which has turned into a much larger patch.  Propagation anyone?  I'm thinking I'm going to dig up most of my bulbs and pot them all anyway, replacing them with plants better suited to sharing digs (ha!) with the roses.

The hard winter has officially claimed three victims: Papageno, which I think I didn't mulch well enough; Hypnotize, which I am kind of upset about but will replace; and Harry Wheatcroft, which I'm really not upset about and won't replace.  I have Oranges & Lemons and Chihuly for the yellow/orange combo.  Everyone else is waking up nicely, and I'm delighted to see lots of new sprouts.

Commandant Beaupaire, a very happy grower which didn't bloom last summer, seems especially excited to get going.  Scentimental isn't far behind (my dependable darling!)  With the death of Papageno I may not be able to hybridize them this year; I guess it depends on how early I get a new Papageno into the dirt?  Further updates as events warrant!

A couple of weeks of saved eggshells went into most of the pots this week, as well.  That trick is definitely one I'm keeping.  I've also gotten my Miracle Grow going, so as of this morning everyone has lots of food to stimulate more growing!  Grow, babies, grow!

Looking forward to another year on The Striped Rose Diaries.  Coming this summer: I start exhibiting!  I (maybe) attempt hybridizing!  Even more bouquets and photos!

See you there!